Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Search for correlations between the BeppoSAX and RXTE GRBs locations and historical supernovae1999/09/01
The precision of spectroscopic luminosity in A-F type stars and the classification of Am stars1997/12/01
Time dilation and the star formation scenario1999/09/01
The age of astronomy-related organizations1999/05/01
Chasing the association of single-pulse gamma-ray bursts and supernovae1999/09/01
An optical counterpart to GRB 971227?1999/09/01
A spectrographic study of the symbiotic system Hen 17611998/10/01
Ballerina – pirouettes in search of gamma bursts1999/09/01
Relative figure of merit of optical interferometry and spectroscopy2000/03/01
Discussion of the results from solar astrolabes1997/06/01
WW Vulpeculae: Photographic magnitudes based on plates of the Harvard Plate Collection1996/12/01
The Cepheus molecular cloud1997/10/01
Theoretical polarization profiles of optically-thick hydrogen lines from slabs in the presence of electric and magnetic fields1997/04/01
Gamma-ray burst positions from the ASM on RXTE1999/09/01
Host galaxy statistics1999/09/01
Sub-degree CMB anisotropy from space. I. Sky coverage and sensitivity1996/06/01
A method to analyze adaptive optics images of binary stars1999/02/01
Erratum: Relative figure of merit of optical interferometry and spectroscopy2000/07/01
Imaging spectroscopy of planetary surfaces: Improving the spatial contrast1999/01/01
Pointing large antennas using the conical scan technique1998/04/01
A possible connection between gamma–ray bursts and single black holes1999/09/01
The luminosity function of individually undetectable stars1998/04/01
Continuous declination system set up by observations of photoelectric astrolabe Mark I In Irkutsk1998/10/01
IBAS, the ${INTEGRAL}$ Burst Alert System1999/09/01
Uniform approximation of planetary ephemerides1998/04/01
The method of the galactic rotation distances1996/07/01
Systematic differences Astrolabe-FK5 derived from observations at $\bf 60^{\circ}$ zenith distance1997/07/01
Analysis of evolution of NOAA 7912 active region on 19 October 19951999/10/01
Photographic surface photometry of the Southern Milky Way1998/10/01
A method to optimize intermediate-passband photometric systems1996/11/01