Literary and Linguistic Computing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Paul Gorrell, Syntax and Parsing1996/06/01English
Imaging the carbonized papyri from Herculaneum1997/09/01English
Eurotra: The Machine Translation Project of the European Communities1988/04/01English
Out-of-vocabulary rate reduction through dispersion-based lexicon acquisition2000/09/01English
Corpus Linguistics, second edition. Edinburgh Textbooks in Empirical Linguistics2002/06/01English
Text, performance, film: putting on the digital show?1997/11/01English
Report on the Second Summer School of the German Linguistic Association1987/01/01English
Book reviews1999/06/01English
Report on the Fifth CATH Conference--CATH '92, Teaching with Computers: Experiences and Opportunities1993/07/01English
Chesterton's Parodies of Swinburne and Yeats: A Lexical Approach1988/10/01English
Reading Room(s): Building a National Archive in Digital Spaces and Physical Places2004/09/01English
Advanced papyrological information system (APIS): the Michigan experience1997/09/01English
On consensus between tree-representations of linguistic data2001/04/01English
As the Leaves Grow on the Tree: A New Way to Analyse Linguistic Data1988/04/01English
The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics2003/09/01English
<it>King John</it> Divided2004/06/01English
Obtaining Phonostatistical Data from a Frequency Dictionary1995/11/01English
S. Monsonego, J. Graff, O. Derniame and M. Henin. Cahiers du C.R.A.L. no. 48, La lemmatisation assistee par ordinateur de textes de Moyen Francais, Vol. IV. L'index lemmatise du Menagier de Paris d'apres l'edition Brereton-Ferrier (2 fascicules).U.R.F.A.-I.Na.L.F., Universite de Nancy II, 1993.1996/09/01English
Introduction to the Special Issue2005/01/01English
The Evolution of Order in the Chapter Lengths of Trollope's Novels2005/08/05English
REED in Review: Essays in Celebration of the First Twenty-Five Years * Audrey Douglas and Sally-Beth MacLean (eds).2007/09/21English
Corpus Linguistics 25 Years on. * Facchinetti, Roberta (ed.).2007/12/14English
Corpus Linguistics Beyond the Word-Corpus Research from Phrase to Discourse. * Eileen Fitzpatrick (ed.).2007/12/14English
Electronic Textual Editing. Lou Burnard, Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, and John Unsworth (eds).2007/12/14English
An Approach to Videogame Criticism. * Ian Bogost.2007/05/02English
Challenge and Change in the Information Society. * Susan Hornby and Zoe Clarke (eds).2007/05/02English
Georeferencing: The Geographic Associations of Information. * Hill, Linda L.2007/05/02English
From First Person to Second Person2007/10/01English
Developing Integrated Editions of Minority Language Dictionaries: The Irish Example2007/12/14English