The Annals of Mathematical Statistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Absorption Probabilities for Certain Two-Dimensional Random Walks1971/02/01English
The Publications of S. S. Wilks1965/02/01English
Abstracts of Papers1971/08/01English
General Formulae for the Central Moments of Certain Serial Correlation Coefficient Approximations1970/08/01English
Publications Received1965/04/01English
Review: R. M. Blumenthal, R. K. Getoor, Markov Processes and Potential Theory1970/04/01English
Some Asymptotic Results on Random Rank Statistics1972/06/01English
Review: H. A. David, Order Statistics1971/06/01English
A Note on Incomplete Block Designs with $b = v$1965/12/01English
Expression of Variance-Component Estimators as Linear Combinations of Independent Noncentral Chi-Square Variates1969/12/01English
Generalizations of the Maximal Ergodic Theorem1965/08/01English
Abstracts of Papers1965/04/01English
On the Relation Between Bahadur Efficiency and Power1970/12/01English
News and Notices1971/02/01English
Correction Notes: Correction to "Uniform Consistency of Some Estimates of a Density Function"1970/06/01English
Publications Received1967/12/01English
Publications Received1969/06/01English
Correction Note: Correction to "On Relationship Algebras of Incomplete Block Designs"1971/04/01English
Conditional Expectations of Random Variables Without Expectations1965/10/01English
Correction Notes: Correction to "On the Equivalence of Polykays of the Second Degree and $\Sigma$'S"1965/06/01English
A Note on Risk and Maximal Regular Generalized Submartingales in Stopping Problems1967/04/01English
Review: Samuel Karlin, Total Positivity1971/10/01English
Convergence Properties of Martingale Transforms1970/04/01English
A Technical Lemma for Monotone Likelihood Ratio Families1967/04/01English
Abstracts of Papers1965/10/01English
Another Characteristic Property of the Cauchy Distribution1966/02/01English
A Markov Stopping Problem for Which no Entry Time is $\epsilon$-Optimal1970/12/01English
Review: Leo Breiman, Probability1969/06/01English
Alfred Renyi, 1921-19701972/12/01English