On Information and Sufficiency | 1951/03/01 | English | 9,309 |
On a Test of Whether one of Two Random Variables is Stochastically Larger than the Other | 1947/03/01 | English | 7,017 |
On Estimation of a Probability Density Function and Mode | 1962/09/01 | English | 5,004 |
A Stochastic Approximation Method | 1951/09/01 | English | 3,631 |
Upper and Lower Probabilities Induced by a Multivalued Mapping | 1967/04/01 | English | 3,255 |
Robust Estimation of a Location Parameter | 1964/03/01 | English | 3,075 |
Remarks on Some Nonparametric Estimates of a Density Function | 1956/09/01 | English | 2,248 |
Asymptotic Theory of Certain "Goodness of Fit" Criteria Based on Stochastic Processes | 1952/06/01 | English | 1,916 |
Snowball Sampling | 1961/03/01 | English | 1,904 |
A Note on the Generation of Random Normal Deviates | 1958/06/01 | English | 1,805 |
Transformations Related to the Angular and the Square Root | 1950/12/01 | English | 1,772 |
A Maximization Technique Occurring in the Statistical Analysis of Probabilistic Functions of Markov Chains | 1970/02/01 | English | 1,756 |
The Large-Sample Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio for Testing Composite Hypotheses | 1938/03/01 | English | 1,745 |
Remarks on a Multivariate Transformation | 1952/09/01 | English | 1,613 |
A Comparison of Alternative Tests of Significance for the Problem of $m$ Rankings | 1940/03/01 | English | 1,582 |
A Measure of Asymptotic Efficiency for Tests of a Hypothesis Based on the sum of Observations | 1952/12/01 | English | 1,504 |
A Class of Statistics with Asymptotically Normal Distribution | 1948/09/01 | English | 1,298 |
The Method of Path Coefficients | 1934/09/01 | English | 1,177 |
Some Concepts of Dependence | 1966/10/01 | English | 1,117 |
Statistical Inference for Probabilistic Functions of Finite State Markov Chains | 1966/12/01 | English | 1,068 |
Table for Estimating the Goodness of Fit of Empirical Distributions | 1948/06/01 | English | 1,010 |
Multi-Factor Experimental Designs for Exploring Response Surfaces | 1957/03/01 | English | 988 |
A Definition of Subjective Probability | 1963/03/01 | English | 968 |
Sample Criteria for Testing Outlying Observations | 1950/03/01 | English | 952 |
The Generalization of Student's Ratio | 1931/08/01 | English | 943 |
The Future of Data Analysis | 1962/03/01 | English | 887 |
Sequential Tests of Statistical Hypotheses | 1945/06/01 | English | 883 |
Some Theorems on Quadratic Forms Applied in the Study of Analysis of Variance Problems, I. Effect of Inequality of Variance in the One-Way Classification | 1954/06/01 | English | 835 |
Stochastic Estimation of the Maximum of a Regression Function | 1952/09/01 | English | 824 |
The Detection of Defective Members of Large Populations | 1943/12/01 | English | 796 |