Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Neurobiologische und pathophysiologische Grundlagen des Delirs2007/12/05English6
Suizid in Haft - europäische Entwicklungen unter Berücksichtigung der Situation in der Schweiz2002/04/17English6
Endovascular treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations with emphasis on the curative role of embolisation2004/10/13English5
Assimilation process in a psychotherapy with a client presenting schizoid personality disorder2010/05/26English5
Academic general neurology: any future? Yes!2014/03/05English5
Le débriefing emotionnel collectif des intervenants humanitaires: l'expérience du CICR1998/10/07English5
Dreaming: a neuropsychological view2005/12/07English5
Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux à l'Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé: aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et paracliniques2012/02/28English5
Crises non épileptiques psychogènes: le défi des troubles fonctionnels en neurologie2009/12/02English5
Le rétablissement, un concept organisateur des soins aux patients souffrant de troubles mentaux sévères2007/08/02English5
Neuronal plasticity: a new paradigm for resilience2008/12/03English5
Language capacities in dementia2013/12/24English5
Evolution of adults with autism and profound intellectual disabilities living within a structured residential programme: a 21-month longitudinal study2007/06/06English5
Zönästhetische Schizophrenien2000/02/18English5
Efficacité, économicité et caractère approprié de la psychothérapie: état de la question2008/03/05English5
G. Rizzolatti, C. Sinigaglia: Mirrors inthe Brain. How our minds share actions and emotions2008/12/03English5
Die Macht der Dringlichkeit. Kultureller Wandel von Zeitgestaltungen und psychischen Verarbeitungsmustern2013/10/30English5
Patient satisfaction with psychiatric outpatient care in Geneva: a survey in different treatment settings2009/08/26English5
Der integrative Prozess in der Psychotherapie: Methodenvielfalt - Synergismus, Integration2009/01/07English4
Neuroscientists rescuing refugee scholars: Three Founders of the Notgemeinschaft in Zurich, 19332015/12/23English4
Implementation of guidelines on delirium in the General Hospital: a before-after study of their impact on caregivers' knowledge and clinical skills2011/01/26English4
Headache in chronic acceleration injury of the cervical spine2006/05/03English4
Psychometric properties of the french translation of the constructive thinking inventory in a sample of adolescents and young adults2011/05/04English4
The renin-angiotensin system in neurodegenerative diseases2011/05/04English4
Religious delusion2000/02/18English4
Negative symptoms and not cognition predict social functioning among patients with schizophrenia2007/01/03English4
Aphasia following a stroke : recovery and recommendations for rehabilitation2013/12/24English4
Neurobehavioural evaluation of disorders of consciousness2015/07/22English4
Deconstructing scientifically some of the myths regarding autism2014/12/17English4
Que nous disent les bébés de leur souffrance psychique?2013/02/07English4