Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Experimentally determining the optimum design configuration for savonius rotors.1986/01/01English13
Gravity controlled condensation of an ethanol and water mixture on a horizontal tube.1989/01/01English13
Development of Erosion in High-Speed Submerged Water Jets.1994/01/01English13
Occurrence and Stability of Microbubble Emission Boiling.1992/01/01English13
Natural convective heat transfer in rectangular enclosure contained fluids with stratified two-layers.1986/01/01English13
Mass-flow reduction of rarefied gas by roughness of a slit surface (High-speed calculation of DSMC method on the vector processor).1988/01/01English13
Transient Temperature Response of Functionally Gradient Material Subjected to Partial, Stepwise Heating.1994/01/01English13
A New Reduced-Order Model for the Thermal Damping Effect on Radial Motion of a Bubble (1st Report, Perturbation Analysis)2005/01/01English13
Laminar Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Curved Channels of Rectangular Cross Section1984/01/01English13
Study of Radiative Properties of Ceramic Materials1984/01/01English13
Condensation of Refrigerants HCF C 22, HFC 134a and HCFC 123 in a Horizontal Smooth Tube. 1st Report, Proposals of Empirical Expressions for the Local Frictional Pressure Drop.1994/01/01English13
A Study of New Finite Difference Lattice Boltzmann Model.2002/01/01English13
Measuring a Film Flowing Down a Vertical Wall Using Laser Focus Displacement Meters. 1st Report. Measuring Principle and Film Thickness.1998/01/01English13
Flow Patterns and Frictional Pressure Drop in Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Vertical Capillary Channels with Rectangular Cross Section.1997/01/01English13
Entrainment Rate and Size of Droplets in Annular Two-Phase Flow1979/01/01English13
Limitation of Falling Water in Countercurrent Two-Phase Flow in Vertical Circular Tubes.1994/01/01English12
Fluctuating Fluid Forces of Two Circular Cylinders in Tandem Arrangement at Close Spacing.2002/01/01English12
Structure of Two Dimensional Vortex behind a Highly Heated Cylinder.1998/01/01English12
Experimental study of heat transfer characteristics due to confined impinging two dimensional jets. Heat transfer experiment for three slot jets.1989/01/01English12
Flame propagation in liquid-fuel droplet arrays at elevated pressure under microgravity.1989/01/01English12
Drag Reduction by Polymer Additives in Turbulent Channel Flow Simulated by Discrete-Element Models.1998/01/01English12
Effects of Hydrogen Addition on Stretched Premixed Laminar Methane Flames. 1st Report, Effects on Laminar Burning Velocity.2003/01/01English12
Configuration of Micro-Layer in Nucleate Boiling2008/01/01English12
Flow and heat transfer characteristics of stirling engine regenerator in oscillating flow.1989/01/01English12
Air-intake Performance Estimation of Air-breathing Ion Engines2004/01/01English12
High-Order Finite-Difference Method for Incompressible Flows using Collocated Grid System.1997/01/01English12
Shapes and Rising Velocities of Single Bubbles in Vertical Pipes2003/01/01English12
Effect of Luminescence Lifetime on the Frequency Response of Fast-Response Pressure-Sensitive Paints2012/01/01English12
Experimental Research for Performance and Noise of Small Axial Flow Fan (Influence of Parameter of Blade)2006/01/01English12
In-line Oscillationof Structure with a Circular or Rectangular Section.1999/01/01English12