Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Movement of small particles caused by an air flow in a chamber.1987/01/01English
Structure of Opposed Jet Turbulent Premixed Flames.1997/01/01English
DSMC Calculation of Rarefied Supersonic Free Jets for High Pressure Ratios.2002/01/01English
An investigation on the suction flow in the control port and the inactive output port of a fluid amplifier.1986/01/01English
Linear Calculation of Unsteady Aerodynamic Forces on Vibrating Cascade Blades Using TVD Scheme. (1st Report, Formulation).1999/01/01English
Effect of Radial Gaps between Impeller and Diffuser Vanes on Pressure Fluctuations Downstream of a Diffuser Pump Impeller.1996/01/01English
Photoclectric temperature measurement using Mie's scattered light phenomena (1st report, Theoretical consideration)1985/01/01English
Observation and analysis of the formation of diesel soot with a laser light extinction method.1988/01/01English
Pressure drop characteristics of offset strip fin surfaces by cold-core tests.1988/01/01English
An Investigation on the Pipe Flow of Emulsions in the Transitional Region.1992/01/01English
Simulation of Flows and Acoustic Field Around Moving Body by ALE Formulation in Finite Difference Lattice Boltzmann Method2005/01/01English
Characteristic Analysis of Stirling Engines : 1st Report, Computer Simulation Model1982/01/01English
Molecular Dynamics Study of Surfactants Adsorbed on Water.2001/01/01English
Oxidation characteristics of metal-containing diesel soot.1988/01/01English
A Numerical Study on Flow around Undulating Flat Plate2006/01/01English
Optimizations of Fuzzy Controller for Solving Poisson Equations with Fast Convergence.1992/01/01English
Behavior of a small particle on a liquid meniscus surface.1991/01/01English
The Effect of the Residence Time in the High Temperature Field on the Fullerene and PAH Formation Mechanism2011/01/01English
Influence of Interaction with Tangential Lean Blade and Box Type Casing on Blade Passing Frequency Noise Level in Small Axial-Flow Fans2011/01/01English
Environmental Evaluation and Effectiveness of Lightweight Electric-Assist Tricycle Made of Composite Materials with Next-Generation Batteries2011/01/01English
Errata:Development of Superheated-Steam Generator Using Tubular Flame [TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B, Vol. 77 (2011), No. 776, pp.997-1001]2011/01/01English
Development of Ventilation System for Nonsmokers Used in Hall without Partition2011/01/01English
Errata:Creep Tests, Flow Birefringence Measurements, and Flow Visualization of Aqueous Solutions of CTAB and NaSal in Shear Flow between Parallel Plates [TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series B, Vol. 77 (2011), No. 775, pp.842-852]2011/01/01English
A Hybrid 1D/2D Flow Model of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Single Cavity Die2011/01/01English
Simultaneous Measurements of Collapsing Behavior and Erosion Pits for Vortex Cavitation Bubble.1998/01/01English
Unsteady natural convection of heat generating fluid in a horizontal cylinder.1987/01/01English
Flow Visualization in the High Shear Flow on Cavitation Erosion around a Butterfly Valve.1991/01/01English
Experiments on turbulent boundary layers over a concave surface. 3rd Report. Transport of turbulence kinetic energy.1986/01/01English
Spectrum and Critical Grashof Number on Turbulent Transition of the Plume above a Line Heat Source.1992/01/01English
Characteristics of pool boiling heat transfer in the vicinity of the critical heat flux point. (The relations between bubble motion and heat flux fluctuation)1987/01/01English