Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The numerical prediction of gas flow in the intake ports of four-cycle internal combustion engines. 2nd report. Comparing with experimental results and predicting the effect of the intake port configuration.1988/01/01English
Measurement of turbulent premixed flame in a closed vessel by using an ion gap. (Turbulence characteristics and wave form of ion current).1989/01/01English
Direct Numerical Simulation on Spherical Couette Flow Based on a Decoupling Method with Second-Order Accuracy in Time and Space.1998/01/01English
Secondary flow and losses in a turbine cascade equipped with endwall boundary layer fences. Influence of fence position.1988/01/01English
Transient Behavior of a Cavitating Centrifugal Pump at Rapid Change in Operating Condition. 3rd Report. Classifications of Transient Phenomena.1997/01/01English
Visualization of Temperature Distribution in Microchannel Using 2-Color Laser-induced Fluorescence2006/01/01English
A Study of Heat Rejection from a Transient Impinging Spray Flame with a Rapid Compression Machine.1998/01/01English
Effect of Geometric Parameters on Change of Film Profiles in Reflow Process of Copper Sputtered-Deposition Films on Substrates with Microscale Trenches.1998/01/01English
Effects of Fuel Properties on the Evaporation of a Binary Miscible Fuel Droplet on a Heated Wall2004/01/01English
AFR Control System Using TWC Outlet Oxygen Sensor2006/01/01English
Fundamental Characteristics of Mixed Convective Laminar Flow in Heated Square Ducts. Governing Parameters and Similarity.1995/01/01English
Numerical Experiment on Drag Reduction of Turbulent Flow by Near-Wall Dumping for Spanwise Oscillation in Specific Wave-Number Range2004/01/01English
An experimental study of spray flow field formed by liquid/gas coaxial injector elements (Measurement of spray flow field)1985/01/01English
On the Head Characteristics of Sand Pump : A Method for Estimation of Head Losses in Sand Pump Handling Solid-Water Mixtures1980/01/01English
Relationship between Energy-Dependent Macromolecule Uptake and Transport Granules in the Endothelial Cells Affected by Wall Shear Stress.1998/01/01English
Direct Numerial Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer in Plane Impinging Jet (Effects of Impingement Distance on Heat Transfer in Confined Space)2004/01/01English
The Forces on a Body in an Unsteady Viscous Fluid : 1st Report, for an Uniformly Accelerated Elliptic Cylinder1983/01/01English
Transient fluid force on an impulsively rotated circular cylinder in a uniform flow.1989/01/01English
A study of diesel spray with unsteady and higher injection pressure using a rapid compression machine.1990/01/01English
Longitudinal Heat Transfer in Oscillatory Flows in Circular Pipes with Heat Loss.1994/01/01English
Unsteady Flow in a Porous, Elastic Circular Tube : 2nd Report, The Tube Contracting or Expanding in Radial Direction1981/01/01English
Improvement of Cold Startability of Neat Methanol S.I. Engines Using Partial Oxidation Combustor. Energy of Flammable Gases Produced by Partial Oxidation Combustor.1997/01/01English
Investigation of Three-Dimensional Normal Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction in a Transonic Diffuser Flow2007/01/01English
Flow Visualization of Right Angle Branch in Laminar Steady Flow.1999/01/01English
Digital-Imaging Measurement of Diesel Fuel Spray Using Double-Pulsed Laser-Induced Fluorescence. 2nd Report. PIV Measurement of Internal Structure of Diesel Fuel Spray.2001/01/01English
Study of Sound Isolation Panel with Ventilation Holes. 3rd Report. Reduction of Pressure Loss Coefficient and Flow Induced Tone.1998/01/01English
Soot Formation in Spray Flames1980/01/01English
Distribution patterns of eigenvalues of laminar pipe flows. 1st report Determination of approximate subspace in the Galerkin method.1987/01/01English
Aerodynamic forces acting on a rotating circular cylinder in a uniform shear flow. (The case of relatively low-Renolds-number flow).1988/01/01English
New Hybrid Streamline Upwind Finite-Element Method in a Dual Srace. 2nd Report, Approach to Unsteady One-Dimensional Burgers' Equation.1994/01/01English