Geomechanics and Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
In situ investigations into mining-induced overburden failures in close multiple-seam longwall mining: A case study2017/04/25English28
Prediction methods on tunnel-excavation induced surface settlement around adjacent building2017/02/25English28
Nonlinear numerical modelling for the effects of surface explosions on buried reinforced concrete structures2010/03/25English28
Site specific ground motion simulation and seismic response analysis for microzonation of Kolkata2012/03/25English28
Performance of laterally loaded piles considering soil and interface parameters2014/11/25English27
EMR: An effective method for monitoring and warning of rock burst hazard2017/01/25English27
The mechanical properties of rock salt under cyclic loading-unloading experiments2016/03/25English27
Engineering behavior of expansive soils treated with rice husk ash2015/02/25English26
Dynamic risk assessment of water inrush in tunnelling and software development2015/07/25English25
Soil water characteristic curve and improvement in lime treated expansive soil2015/05/25English25
A complement to Hoek-Brown failure criterion for strength prediction in anisotropic rock2011/03/25English25
Geotechnical parameters from pressuremeter tests for MRT Blue Line extension in Bangkok2013/04/25English24
Behaviour of geocell reinforced soft clay bed subjected to incremental cyclic loading2016/04/25English24
Applicability of biocementation for organic soil and its effect on permeability2014/12/25English24
Collapse mechanism for deep tunnel subjected to seepage force in layered soils2015/05/25English24
A new design chart for estimating friction angle between soil and pile materials2016/03/25English23
Assessment of the effect of sulfate attack on cement stabilized montmorillonite2016/06/25English23
Experimental and numerical analyses on determination of indirect (splitting) tensile strength of cemented paste backfill materials under different loading apparatus2016/06/25English23
Creep properties and damage model for salt rock under low-frequency cyclic loading2014/11/25English23
Effects of fines content on void ratio, compressibility, and static liquefaction of silty sand2009/03/25English23
Assessment of recycled concrete aggregates as a pavement material2014/03/25English23
A novel modeling of settlement of foundations in permafrost regions2016/02/25English23
1D deformation induced permeability and microstructural anisotropy of Ariake clays2015/01/25English22
Applications of BOTDR fiber optics to the monitoring of underground structures2015/09/25English22
Time dependent behavior of piled raft foundation in clayey soil2013/02/25English22
The prediction of the critical factor of safety of homogeneous finite slopes subjected to earthquake forces using neural networks and multiple regressions2014/01/25English21
Numerical modeling of soil nail walls considering Mohr Coulomb, hardening soil and hardening soil with small-strain stiffness effect models2014/04/25English21
Study on correlation of acoustic emission and plastic strain based on coal-rock damage theory2017/04/25English21
Analysis of the failure mechanism and support technology for the Dongtan deep coal roadway2016/09/25English21
Improvement of bearing capacity of footing on soft clay grouted with lime-silica fume mix2015/01/25English21