Sport Management Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Value Congruence in a Canadian Nonprofit Sport Organisation: A Case Study2008/05/01English
Fan Development Strategy: The Austin Wranglers’ Game Plan2008/09/01English
The Impact of Sport Management Students’ Perceptions of Study Abroad Programs on Their Intentions to Study Abroad2008/05/01English
Effective Public Service Advertisements to Attract Volunteers for the Special Olympics: An Elaboration Likelihood Perspective2008/05/01English
Assessment of Services Provided to NCAA Division I Athletes: Development of a Model and Instrument2008/05/01English
Sport Development. Systems, Policies and Pathways: An Introduction to the Special Issue2008/09/01English
Reflective Practice in Sport Management1999/01/01English
eLearning and Sport Management: Hyperpedagogy Possibilities2007/05/01English
Professional Sport in Australia and New Zealand: An Introduction to the Special Issue2005/05/01English
Centrifugal Social Forces in a Youth Sport League2005/01/01English
Understanding the Changing Nature of Sports Organisations in Transforming Societies2008/01/01English
Marketing to Multiple Constituencies: Repositioning AUS-north2000/01/01English
Organisational Design and the Post-Season Controversy in the New England Small College Athletic Conference2002/01/01English
The Effect of Web Cohesion, Web Commitment, and Attitude toward the Website on Intentions to Use NFL Teams’ Websites2007/09/01English
Critical and Ethical Thinking in Sport Management: Philosophical Rationales and Examples of Methods2007/05/01English
Finding a Home Market: Franchise Ownership in the Canadian Hockey League2004/01/01English
Perceptions of Role Ambiguity by Chairpersons and Executive Directors in Queensland Sporting Organisations2006/05/01English
Skiing Australia: Reorganising for the Future1998/01/01English
A Transaction Cost Approach to Sport Sponsorship2005/01/01English
Professional Teams as Leverageable Assets: Strategic Creation of Community Value2007/01/01English
Collective Bargaining Simulation: The Federal Football League versus the National Association of Professional Footballers2001/01/01English
Examining Sport Management Programs in the United States2008/01/01English
Comparing Competitive Balance in Australian Sports Leagues: Does a Salary Cap and Player Draft Measure Up?2005/05/01English
Creating a New Program: Active Ageing in Queensland1999/07/01English
Expanding on Success: Volunteer Management at the Midwest Tennis Classic2007/01/01English
Marketing for Participation, Managing for Success: The Louisville Racquet Club2001/07/01English
“It basically is a fairly loose arrangement … and that works out fine, really.” Analysing the Dynamics of an Interorganisational Partnership2006/09/01English
Competitive Advantage in the Health and Fitness Industry: Developing Service Bundles2008/01/01English
Paying for Professionalism: Industrial Relations in Australian Rugby Union2003/07/01English
Sport Volunteerism: An Introduction to the Special Issue2006/05/01English