Sport Management Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sport and social media research: A review2015/04/01English303
Underrepresentation of women in sport leadership: A review of research2015/04/01English233
Small-scale event sport tourism: A case study in sustainable tourism2012/04/01English207
Female athletes, women's sport, and the sport media commercial complex: Have we really “come a long way, baby”?2015/07/01English177
The special features of sport: A critical revisit2010/01/01English167
Sport involvement: A conceptual and empirical analysis2011/04/01English161
eSport management: Embracing eSport education and research opportunities2018/01/01English160
Communicating via photographs: A gendered analysis of Olympic athletes’ visual self-presentation on Instagram2016/04/01English159
eSports – Competitive sports or recreational activity?2018/01/01English158
Integrating sport-for-development theory and praxis2011/10/01English156
The effects of service convenience and perceived quality on perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty in low-cost fitness centers2018/07/01English155
Understanding fan motivation for interacting on social media2014/10/01English150
Sustainable community development through sport and events: A conceptual framework for Sport-for-Development projects2012/01/01English148
Scarcity of resources in German non-profit sport clubs2011/04/01English146
Branding athletes: Exploration and conceptualization of athlete brand image2014/04/01English132
Hostile takeover or joint venture: Connections between institutional theory and sport management research2011/01/01English126
Explaining international sporting success: An international comparison of elite sport systems and policies in six countries2009/07/01English107
Predicting spectators’ behavioural intentions in professional football: The role of satisfaction and service quality2013/01/01English106
Corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability: Why professional sport is greening the playing field2013/07/01English106
The hierarchical effects of perceived quality on perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty: Empirical results from public, outdoor aquatic centres in Australia2013/07/01English103
Understanding capacity through the processes and outcomes of interorganizational relationships in nonprofit community sport organizations2013/04/01English103
Analysing the professional sport experience: A hierarchical approach2011/10/01English102
Introducing a Sport Experience Design (SX) framework for sport consumer behaviour research2017/04/07English97
Sport event legacy: A systematic quantitative review of literature2019/07/01English96
Managing sport-for-development: Reflections and outlook2017/07/01English96
Measuring the social impacts associated with Super Bowl XLIII: Preliminary development of a psychic income scale2012/01/01English96
eSport: Construct specifications and implications for sport management2018/01/01English94
Investing in sport management: The value of good theory2013/01/01English93
Volunteerism and volunteer management in sport2017/10/01English93
When the crowd evaluates soccer players’ market values: Accuracy and evaluation attributes of an online community2014/10/01English92