Gait & Posture

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effect of skin movement artifact on knee kinematics during gait and cutting motions measured in vivo2006/10/01English313
Biomechanical features of gait waveform data associated with knee osteoarthritis2007/01/01English305
Accuracy of the Microsoft Kinect sensor for measuring movement in people with Parkinson's disease2014/04/01English287
A new anatomically based protocol for gait analysis in children2007/10/01English286
Separating the effects of age and walking speed on gait variability2008/05/01English285
Age-related differences in spatiotemporal markers of gait stability during dual task walking2007/06/01English283
Reliability of COP-based postural sway measures and age-related differences2008/08/01English280
Video task analysis of turning during activities of daily living2007/02/01English279
Measurement and management of errors in quantitative gait data2004/10/01English274
The effect of walking speed on muscle function and mechanical energetics2008/07/01English274
Human movement analysis using stereophotogrammetry2005/02/01English271
Compressive tibiofemoral force during crouch gait2012/04/01English259
Classifying household and locomotive activities using a triaxial accelerometer2010/03/01English242
How fear of falling can increase fall-risk in older adults: Applying psychological theory to practical observations2015/01/01English234
Reliability and minimal detectible change values for gait kinematics and kinetics in healthy adults2012/02/01English232
Quantified self and human movement: A review on the clinical impact of wearable sensing and feedback for gait analysis and intervention2014/05/01English230
Complete 3D kinematics of upper extremity functional tasks2008/01/01English229
Gait event detection using linear accelerometers or angular velocity transducers in able-bodied and spinal-cord injured individuals2006/12/01English228
Age-related differences in foot structure and function2007/06/01English228
Invasive in vivo measurement of rear-, mid- and forefoot motion during walking2008/07/01English226
Quantitative comparison of five current protocols in gait analysis2008/08/01English222
A six degrees-of-freedom marker set for gait analysis: Repeatability and comparison with a modified Helen Hayes set2009/08/01English222
Quantification of soft tissue artifact in lower limb human motion analysis: A systematic review2010/01/01English222
Gait analysis in multiple sclerosis: Characterization of temporal–spatial parameters using GAITRite functional ambulation system2009/01/01English217
Gait assessment in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: The effect of dual-task challenges across the cognitive spectrum2012/01/01English215
A kinematic method for footstrike pattern detection in barefoot and shod runners2012/02/01English215
Gait instability and fractal dynamics of older adults with a “cautious” gait: why do certain older adults walk fearfully?2005/02/01English214
Body-worn motion sensors detect balance and gait deficits in people with multiple sclerosis who have normal walking speed2012/04/01English211
Effects of walking speed on plantar pressure patterns and hindfoot angular motion1994/09/01English211
Methods for objective measure, quantification and analysis of sedentary behaviour and inactivity2010/01/01English208