Musculoskeletal Science and Practice

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Does muscle guarding play a role in range of motion loss in patients with frozen shoulder?2018/10/01English28
Y balance test has no correlation with the Stability Index of the Biodex Balance System2017/02/01English28
Are physiotherapists adhering to quality indicators for the management of knee osteoarthritis? An observational study2017/02/01English28
Physical examination of dizziness in athletes after a concussion: A descriptive study2018/04/01English27
Reliability and validity of clinical tests to assess posture, pain location, and cervical spine mobility in adults with neck pain and its associated disorders: Part 4. A systematic review from the cervical assessment and diagnosis research evaluation (CADRE) collaboration2018/12/01English27
Trunk muscle activity during different variations of the supine plank exercise2017/04/01English27
Identification and differentiation of gluteus medius tendon pathology using ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging2019/06/01English26
The role of physiotherapy in the European Space Agency strategy for preparation and reconditioning of astronauts before and after long duration space flight2017/01/01English26
What is the minimal important difference of pain intensity, mandibular function, and headache impact in patients with temporomandibular disorders? Clinical significance analysis of a randomized controlled trial2020/04/01English26
Acute effects of static stretching on the shear elastic moduli of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscles in young and elderly women2017/12/01English26
Reliability and validity of two multidimensional self-reported physical activity questionnaires in people with chronic low back pain2017/02/01English25
Accuracy of self-reported injuries compared to medical record data2019/02/01English25
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the reliability and validity of sensorimotor measurement instruments in people with chronic low back pain2018/06/01English25
Diagnostic accuracy of upper limb neurodynamic tests for the assessment of peripheral neuropathic pain: A systematic review2019/04/01English25
Concurrent validity and interrater reliability of a new smartphone application to assess 3D active cervical range of motion in patients with neck pain2018/04/01English25
Prognostic factors for persistent pain after a first episode of nonspecific idiopathic, non-traumatic neck pain: A systematic review2019/07/01English25
Effects of dry needling in HIP muscles in patients with HIP osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial2019/10/01English25
Physiotherapists’ attitudes and beliefs about low back pain influence their clinical decisions and advice2021/06/01English24
The effectiveness of physical therapies for patients with base of thumb osteoarthritis: Systematic review and meta-analysis2018/06/01English24
The development of a shoulder specific left/right judgement task: Validity & reliability2017/04/01English24
Why is exercise prescribed for people with chronic low back pain? A review of the mechanisms of benefit proposed by clinical trialists2021/02/01English24
Unhelpful beliefs and attitudes about low back pain in the general population: A cross-sectional survey2021/04/01English24
Cervical musculoskeletal dysfunction in headache: How should it be defined?2018/12/01English24
Relationship between cervical muscle morphology evaluated by MRI, cervical muscle strength and functional outcomes in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy2018/12/01English23
Systematic review of countermeasures to minimise physiological changes and risk of injury to the lumbopelvic area following long-term microgravity2017/01/01English23
Test-retest reliability of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit analysis in people with and without chronic non-specific low back pain2018/06/01English23
Safety netting; best practice in the face of uncertainty2020/08/01English23
Clinical classification criteria for nonspecific low back pain: A Delphi-survey of clinical experts2018/04/01English22
Cervical flexion-rotation test and physiological range of motion – A comparative study of patients with myogenic temporomandibular disorder versus healthy subjects2017/02/01English22
How do manual handling advisors and physiotherapists construct their back beliefs, and do safe lifting posture beliefs influence them?2019/02/01English22