Musculoskeletal Science and Practice

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Editorial Board2021/10/01English
Reference values, minimum repetitions for stable measures, and test-retest reliability in the torsion and conventional cervical joint position sense tests in asymptomatic individuals2022/12/01English
Structural validity and internal consistency of the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index in Turkish patients with rotator cuff disease: A proposal of a new version2022/12/01English
Feasibility and acceptability of a six-month exercise and patient education intervention for patients with hip dysplasia: A mixed methods study2022/12/01English
Lateral bending differentiates early-stage spondylolysis from nonspecific low back pain in adolescents2022/04/01English
Letter to the editor: The inter-rater reliability of clinical observation of prone hip extension and association between aberrant movement and chronic low back pain2022/06/01English
Letter to the editor, “The effects of combined sternocleidomastoid muscle stretching and massage on pain, disability, endurance, kinesiophobia, and range of motion in individuals with chronic neck pain: A randomized, single blind-study”2022/06/01English
Editorial Board2018/06/01English
Reply to the letter to the editor YMATH_2018_15:“Two-point discrimination and the low back pain: Not as unreliable as it seems, but what about standardised procedures?” regarding our article MSKSP_168:“A systematic review and meta-analysis of the reliability and validity of sensorimotor measurement instruments in people with chronic low back pain”2018/06/01English
Reply to the letter to the editor regarding ‘Classification characteristics of a chronic low back pain population using a combined McKenzie and patho-anatomical assessment’2017/02/01English
Response to letter to the Editor ‘Altered breathing pattern valuation relative to dyspnea assessment and treatment for low back pain: Effects of clinical practice’2017/02/01English
Bridging the evidence-practice gaps in manual therapy: Getting the balance right2017/04/01English
Publisher's announcement2017/02/01English
Changes in inflammatory biomarkers following spinal manipulation2017/08/01English
Letter to the editor - Adverse events associated with the use of cervical spine manipulation or mobilization and patient characteristics2017/08/01English
Editorial Board2017/08/01English
The effect of visual feedback of the neck during movement in patients with chronic whiplash: An experimental study2017/04/01English
Patient self-reported non-musculoskeletal symptoms predict outcome following total knee replacement surgery2017/04/01English
Effectiveness of physiotherapy treatment for seniors with frequent intermittent headache: A Randomized controlled trial2017/04/01English
Recognition of patients presenting with or at risk of craniocervical arterial dissection: Preliminary results of a prospective study2017/04/01English
Regional variation within the lumbar spine during sit to stand in patients with chronic low back pain: A case-control study2017/04/01English
Differing psychologically-derived clusters in people with chronic low back pain are associated with different multidimensional profiles2017/04/01English
The use of standardised data collection in private physiotherapy practice to provide information for clinicians, clinics and private practice organisations2017/04/01English
Early active rehabilitation after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: A prospective randomized pilot study2017/04/01English
Acceptance, committed action, anxiety and depression, and their relationship to physical disability in chronic low back pain2017/04/01English
Editorial Board2017/04/01English
Somatosensory profiles differ between patients with non-specific neck arm pain with and without heightened nerve mechanosensitivity2017/04/01English
Psychological correlates of pain intensity and physical function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee in Nigeria2017/04/01English
Early stage primary/idiopathic adhesive capsulitis – Which clinical identifiers are valid?2017/04/01English
Reply to the letter to the editor: ‘Systematic review of comparative effectiveness and health economics research relating to osteopathic manipulative treatment’2017/06/01English