Political Behavior

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Does Economic Inequality Depress Electoral Participation? Testing the Schattschneider Hypothesis2010/01/21English123
Education and Political Participation: Exploring the Causal Link2010/08/19English121
Racial Resentment and Whites’ Gun Policy Preferences in Contemporary America2015/11/05English119
Is the Left-Right Scale a Valid Measure of Ideology?2016/10/13English117
Investigating the Roots of Civic Morality: Trust, Social Capital, and Institutional Performance2006/10/27English114
Political Disagreement in Context: The Conditional Effect of Neighborhood Context, Disagreement and Political Talk on Electoral Participation2006/11/09English114
Motivated Reasoning and Political Parties: Evidence for Increased Processing in the Face of Party Cues2012/11/06English112
Personality and Political Participation: The Mediation Hypothesis2011/05/10English109
Shot by the Messenger: Partisan Cues and Public Opinion Regarding National Security and War2008/10/16English108
Racial Solidarity and Political Participation2005/12/01English108
The political consequences of alienation-based and indifference-based voter abstention: Applications to Presidential Elections2006/03/01English108
The Consequences of Explicit and Implicit Gender Attitudes and Candidate Quality in the Calculations of Voters2014/05/16English107
An Experiment Testing the Relative Effectiveness of Encouraging Voter Participation by Inducing Feelings of Pride or Shame2010/03/27English103
Turnout as a Habit2010/12/30English103
The Electoral Consequences of Skin Color: The “Hidden” Side of Race in Politics2011/01/01English100
Candidate Choice Without Party Labels:2017/06/16English98
Does Politics Influence Hiring? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment2014/09/09English97
Beyond the “Narrow Data Base”: Another Convenience Sample for Experimental Research2007/07/19English95
The Urban–Rural Gulf in American Political Behavior2020/03/05English93
The Relationship Between Campaign Negativity, Gender and Campaign Context2013/01/19English93
Issue Framing and Engagement: Rhetorical Strategy in Public Policy Debates2007/09/12English93
The Ideological Effects of Framing Threat on Immigration and Civil Liberties2011/05/21English93
Reconciling Sexism and Women’s Support for Republican Candidates: A Look at Gender, Class, and Whiteness in the 2012 and 2016 Presidential Races2018/05/18English92
Measuring Partisanship as a Social Identity in Multi-Party Systems2016/06/06English92
Party and Gender Stereotypes in Campaign Attacks2017/07/24English91
“Racial Threat”, Partisan Climate, and Direct Democracy: Contextual Effects in Three California Initiatives2006/06/01English90
Ecologies of Unease: Geographic Context and National Economic Evaluations2011/05/24English85
Basic Personal Values Underlie and Give Coherence to Political Values: A Cross National Study in 15 Countries2013/09/19English84
Framing Labels and Immigration Policy Attitudes in the Iowa Caucuses: “Trying to Out-Tancredo Tancredo”2010/10/05English84
Personality and the Strength and Direction of Partisan Identification2011/08/19English83