Archives of Disease in Childhood

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Randomised controlled trials in child and adolescent health in 20232023/07/20English
Is telemedicine suitable for remotely supporting non-tertiary units in providing emergency care to unwell newborns?2023/07/12English
National consensus to develop core outcomes for the evaluation of complications from excess weight (CEW) clinics: results of a national Delphi process2023/01/04English
Birth anthropometry among three Asian racial groups in Singapore: proposed new growth charts2023/01/02English
Effect of early childhood development interventions delivered by healthcare providers to improve cognitive outcomes in children at 0–36 months: a systematic review and meta-analysis2023/02/02English
Linking data to build a bigger picture of paediatric referral pathways2023/02/02English
Highlights from the literature2023/01/19English
Advocate for children in your hospital antimicrobial stewardship program2023/01/19English
Towards evidence-based medicine for paediatricians2023/01/19English
Young adults with eosinophilic oesophagitis2023/01/19English
Outcomes in neonatal critical and non-critical aortic stenosis: a retrospective cohort study2023/01/19English
Towards evidence-based medicine for paediatricians2024/04/18English
New oral polio vaccines type 22024/04/18English
The OUtMATCH study: treating multiple allergies2024/04/18English
Levels and trends in child mortality estimation2024/04/17English
Disclosing the significance of their competence to the Gillick competent2024/04/23English
Androgen secreting adrenocortical carcinomas2000/02/01
Pathology of nonaccidental brain injury2001/12/01
Current topic: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura2000/09/01
Varicella: to vaccinate or not vaccinate?2000/01/01
Paediatricians, powerful others, and loci of control2001/05/01
Infectious diseases2000/05/01
Rapid responses2001/03/01
Growth monitoring2000/05/01
The Neurological Assessment of the Preterm and Full-term Newborn Infant.2001/05/01
Evidence in favour of NHS Direct2000/04/01
Imaging in scoliosis2000/05/01