Environmental Geology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Bed sediment-associated trace metals in an urban stream, Oahu, Hawaii2000/04/181,201
Statistical analysis of landslide susceptibility at Yongin, Korea2001/08/01512
Normal and lognormal data distribution in geochemistry: death of a myth. Consequences for the statistical treatment of geochemical and environmental data2000/07/14457
Geochemical background - can we calculate it?2000/07/14451
Screening and ranking of sedimentary basins for sequestration of CO2 in geological media in response to climate change2003/06/01445
Assessment of landslide susceptibility on the natural terrain of Lantau Island, Hong Kong2001/01/17406
Groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and agricultural use in Chithar River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India2005/04/09English388
Landslide susceptibility mapping in the Damrei Romel area, Cambodia using frequency ratio and logistic regression models2006/04/04English368
Current trends and future challenges in groundwater vulnerability assessment using overlay and index methods2000/04/18361
Identification and evaluation of hydrogeochemical processes in the groundwater environment of Delhi, India2006/06/20English350
Mine-water chemistry: the good, the bad and the ugly1997/10/17349
Probabilistic landslide susceptibility and factor effect analysis2005/03/30English343
Assessment of landslide susceptibility for a landslide-prone area (north of Yenice, NW Turkey) by fuzzy approach2002/02/01337
A comparison of the GIS based landslide susceptibility assessment methods: multivariate versus bivariate2004/03/01314
A study of caprock hydromechanical changes associated with CO2-injection into a brine formation2002/03/01English309
Geochemistry, genesis, and health implications of fluoriferous groundwaters in the upper regions of Ghana1997/12/11301
Heavy metals distribution in agricultural topsoils in urban area2003/03/01English296
Hydrochemical framework of the aquifer in and around East Kolkata Wetlands, West Bengal, India2007/10/11English293
Water vulnerability assessment in karst environments: a new method of defining protection areas using a multi-attribute approach and GIS tools (EPIK method)1999/12/16288
Application of a groundwater contamination index in Finland and Slovakia1998/11/20285
Deciphering potential groundwater zone in hard rock through the application of GIS2007/08/25English281
GIS-based weights-of-evidence modelling of rainfall-induced landslides in small catchments for landslide susceptibility mapping2007/06/12English278
Application of a normalization procedure in determining regional geochemical baselines1997/03/24278
Soil erosion prediction using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in a GIS framework, Chania, Northwestern Crete, Greece2008/04/26English275
Inferring the chemical parameters for the dissolution of fluoride in groundwater2003/03/01English274
Formation of fractured zones in overburden due to longwall mining2003/02/06English272
Spatial characterization of the location of potentially leaky wells penetrating a deep saline aquifer in a mature sedimentary basin2004/06/08English271
GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping for a problematic segment of the natural gas pipeline, Hendek (Turkey)2003/11/01258
Landslide susceptibility mapping for a landslide-prone area (Findikli, NE of Turkey) by likelihood-frequency ratio and weighted linear combination models2007/07/13English255
Multiphase flow dynamics during CO2 disposal into saline aquifers2002/03/01English254