The Vocational Aspect of Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Should undergraduates studying arts and social sciences be taught computer programming? Some evidence1992/01/01English2
The Science and Art Department and the teaching of Chemistry1977/12/01English2
A critique of the vocationalization of the African curriculum1985/08/01English2
Student selection and placement in Turkish higher education1990/12/01English2
Person perception in post-school education1987/12/01English2
APA and portfolio development — A review1990/12/01English2
Into the subculture of FE: Some observations on the role of staff development in the evolution of special needs provision1988/12/01English2
Varying perspectives on work experience: ‘there's nowt so queer as folk’1992/01/01English2
An investigation into the aspirations, employment prospects and alternatives for a group of 16 year old school leavers in the city of Gloucester1987/04/01English2
The role of mathematics in hotel, catering and institutional management HND and FM courses1980/08/01English2
Technical education as organised nationally in France1987/08/01English2
Higher education, industry and the economy1990/08/01English2
Attitudes to open learning: A survey of unemployed adults1989/04/01English2
The part-time Liberal Studies lecturer in further education1979/08/01English2
Self-pacing in post-school education/training1986/04/01English2
Vocational content in the national curriculum for Nigerian Secondary Schools: How industry can help1988/08/01English2
Sandwich course undergraduates and industrial experience1974/12/01English2
Renewing vocational skills in Australia: Prospects for partnership between further education and industry1984/05/01English2
Training and/or education—the new equilibrium1987/04/01English2
Training and development for small business managers. Part One: a prologue — who are the small business managers?1992/01/01English2
Polytechnic and university students' attitudes to employment1979/04/01English2
The vocational aspects of education1986/08/01English2
Research report—Development of student verbal skills: The use of the student-led seminar1989/04/01English2
Belief-behaviour consistency and job satisfaction1978/08/01English2
Technical education in Sub-Saharan African countries: a review of developments and strategies1990/12/01English2
Pre-vocational experience: High school preparation for entry to nursing education1978/08/01English2
The role of scientific and technical education in early industrialisation in America and England1983/04/01English2
School mathematics and the requirements of industry1976/08/01English2
The use of micro-counselling in the training of employment advisory officers1977/08/01English2
An investigation into the number and sorts of text-books owned and used by students in National Certificate Engineering classes1950/11/01English2