The Vocational Aspect of Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Reconstructing the Work‐based Route: lessons from the Modern Apprenticeship1995/01/01English27
Competency Standards – a Help or a Hindrance? An Australian Perspective1995/01/01English18
Searching for Authenticity: a socio‐cultural perspective of vocational skill development1994/01/01English17
Implications of the Introduction of the Doctor of Education Degree in British Universities: can the EdD reach parts the PhD cannot?1995/01/01English17
Employability Skills: the demands of the workplace1995/01/01English17
Technical and Vocational Education and Training in an International Context[1]1993/01/01English15
Markets, Outcomes and the Quality of Vocational Education and Training: some lessons from a Youth Credits pilot scheme1995/01/01English15
Post‐Fordism, Curriculum Modernisers and Radical Practice: the case of vocational education and training in England1993/01/01English10
Reforming Technical and Technological Education1993/01/01English9
Models of Vocational Development Revisited: reflecting on concerns1995/01/01English9
Can the total quality management approach used in industry be transferred to institutions of higher education?1992/01/01English9
The National Certificate1951/05/01English9
Methodologies for problem solving: An engineering approach1991/04/01English8
A Post‐Fordist Reworking of Australian Education: the Finn, Mayer and Carmichael reports in the context of labour reprocessing1995/01/01English7
Vocational Education in the Third World: revisiting the debate1995/01/01English7
S.1 Examinations in Mechanical Engineering1955/09/01English7
Capability, enterprise and entrepreneurship1986/08/01English7
The use of case studies in pre-experience business education Part II—Using case studies effectively1981/12/01English7
Delivering the DEAL: implementation of a work‐based learning programme at degree level1995/01/01English7
The New Vocationalism Enacted? The Transformation of the Business Studies Curriculum1994/01/01English7
The Political Colonisation of the Cognitive Construction of Competence1995/01/01English7
Education and Training: still distinguishable?1995/01/01English6
Paradigms of Practice: a dilemma for nurse educators1995/01/01English6
Interdisciplinarity in higher education business studies courses1978/08/01English6
The job satisfaction of University teachers1978/08/01English6
Evening class wastage1950/05/01English5
Observations on part-time classes in technical institutions1948/09/01English5
Employers' opinions of university and polytechnic graduates1979/12/01English5
A study of University Teachers' satisfaction with promotion procedures1974/08/01English5
Competency-based vocational education: Is this the answer?1991/04/01English5