International Journal of Engineering Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Development & Implementation of Wireless Body Area Networks2014/03/011
Computing the Pre-operational Embodied Water of a Multistoried Residential Complex in Gurgaon, India2015/10/011
Studies on Parameter Optimization for Particle Growthin a Fluidized BedGranulator: Interval Halving Method2014/03/011
Miniaturized Multi Band pass Filter with Single Finline and Split Ring Resonators2017/01/01English1
Variable Angle of SRG for Wind Energy Control Application2015/02/011
Value Addition in Packaging : Delight to the Industry2015/04/011
Performance Comparison of BPSO and BFO Algorithms of PTS Technique Used for PAPR Reduction in MC-CDMA2015/06/011
Empirical Progression of Lean Manufacturing: Literature Review2014/11/011
Analysis of Transient Natural Convection flow past an Accelerated Infinite Vertical Plate2015/02/011
Meteorological Study of the Air Pollution in the Cities of Azerbaijan2015/03/011
The Pollution of River IBËR with Heavy Metals from Landfill of Kelmend2015/03/011
Practical Approach on Lightning and Grounding Protection System2015/04/011
CFD Simulation of Swirling Effect In S-Shaped Diffusing Duct By Swirl Angle of 30°2015/04/011
Optimization of Economic Production Quantity and Profits under Markovian Demand2015/01/011
Maintenance Function for Manufacturing Excellence Program: a case study of the Sri Lankan manufacturing industry2014/10/011
Lamination Suitability for Flexible Packaging Application (A Case Study Of “UFLEX Ltd”, Noida)2015/05/011
Study of the Relative Permittivity Response of Metal Nanoantenna at Optical Frequency2014/10/011
Unit Commitment in Power Market Considering Demand Response and Stochastic Wind Generation2014/10/011
3D-FEM Strength Analysis for the Influence of Corrosion over Oil Tanker Ship Hull2014/11/011
Joints Properties of One Side Welded of Ship Materials with Variation of Angle Groove2015/05/011
Design and Optimization of SUAV Empennage2015/06/011
A Stand Alone Robust PV-FC-Electrolyzer Utilization Scheme2015/03/011
Experimental Study of Initial Fuel Temperature on the Burning Rates of Kerosene Pools in Cold Environment2015/01/011
Determination of Rate of Degradation of Iron Plates due to Rust using Image Processing2015/02/011
Preventive maintenance by vibratory analysis: case study2015/08/011
Characteristics of Flow Meters with Sediment Laden Flow – A Review2015/05/011
The Numerical Analysis of Flow Field on Warship Deck2015/03/011
Review on Next Generation WDM-PON Technologies2014/11/011
Micronutrients Status of Bio fuel Plant (Moringa) Irrigated By Diluted Seawater As Affected By Silicate And Salicylic Acid2014/12/011
Research on the Clustering Algorithm of Component based on the Grade Strategy2014/12/011