Sport in Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Predisposed to participate? The influence of family socio-economic background on children's sports participation and daily amount of physical activity2012/01/01English38
Entering scapeland: yoga, fell and post-sport physical cultures2010/09/01English38
‘No Olympics on stolen native land’: contesting Olympic narratives and asserting indigenous rights within the discourse of the 2010 Vancouver Games2009/12/16English37
Race relations, Indigenous Australia and the social impact of professional Australian football2009/11/01English37
The glue that holds the community together? Sport and sustainability in rural Australia2009/11/01English37
Sport for children and youth in the Scandinavian countries2010/05/01English37
Developing participation opportunities for young people with disabilities? Policy enactment and social inclusion in Australian junior sport2018/11/04English37
Rethinking Sport for Development and Peace: the Capability Approach2017/01/04English37
Harmonization of anti-doping work: myth or reality?2010/04/01English36
The Australian sport system and its stakeholders: development of cooperative relationships2009/09/01English36
African migrants in Asian and European football: hopes and realities2010/07/27English36
The female ‘apologetic’ behaviour within Canadian women's rugby: athlete perceptions and media influences2014/02/24English36
Competitive sport and the construction of place identity in rural Australia2010/04/01English36
Cultural Nuances: Doping, Cycling and the Tour de France2006/04/01English35
European club football: why enormous revenues are not enough?2010/02/12English35
Sport as a post-disaster psychosocial intervention in Bam, Iran2009/11/01English35
Exploring embodiment through martial arts and combat sports: a review of empirical research2014/02/06English34
The photographic representation of female athletes in the British print media during the London 2012 Olympic Games2014/02/06English34
‘Football is My Life’: Theorizing Social Practice in the Scottish Professional Football Field2006/07/01English34
Commercialization and lifestyle sport: lessons from 20 years of freestyle BMX in ‘Pro-Town, USA’2010/09/01English34
Constructing gender differences: newspaper portrayals of male and female gymnasts at the 2012 Olympic Games2013/11/26English34
From Sydney to Beijing: the evolution of the photographic coverage of Paralympic Games in five European countries2011/04/01English34
Towards understanding the potential of sports-based practices for socially vulnerable youth2013/05/01English34
Walking the line: how young athletes balance academic studies and sport in international competition2016/01/08English33
Engaging sport-for-development for social impact in the South African context2009/11/01English33
Attitudes towards use of performance-enhancing substances and body modification techniques. A comparison between elite athletes and the general population2009/08/01English33
The Olympic fight against match-fixing2015/05/08English32
Public Sector Support for Sport Tourism Events: The Role of Cost-benefit Analysis2005/06/01English32
Beyond governance: the need to improve the regulation of international sport2017/11/29English32
Managing Pain and Injury in Non-elite Rugby Union and Rugby League: A Case Study of Players at a British University2006/07/01English32