Transnational Social Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The digital nomad: Buzzword or research category?2016/09/01English69
Returning, Staying, or Both? Mobility Patterns Among Elderly Turkish Migrants After Retirement2013/01/01English38
Aging in place in a mobile world: New media and older people’s support networks2017/01/02English21
Older people and the use of ICTs to communicate with children and grandchildren2017/01/02English20
International retirement migration revisited: From amenity seeking to precarity migration?2018/01/02English17
Negotiations with a risk assessment tool: Standardized decision-making in the United States and the deprofessionalization thesis2017/05/04English15
Mapping Transnationalism: Transnational social work with migrants2015/09/02English14
Transnational Aging: The Impacts of Adult Children's Immigration on Their Parents' Later Lives2013/01/01English14
Transnational Aging—A Young Field of Research2013/01/01English12
Use of technology in human trafficking networks and sexual exploitation: A cross-sectional multi-country study2015/01/02English12
Transnational aging among older Turkish and Moroccan migrants in the Netherlands: Determinants of transnational behavior and transnational belonging2017/01/02English11
Transnational Social Network Analysis2012/01/01English11
Transnational education in schools, universities, and beyond: Definitions and research areas2018/04/30English11
Old age care facilities and care-seeking elderly on the move2014/09/02English10
Place and space in home-making processes and the construction of identities in transnational migration2016/05/03English10
Transnational histories of social work and social welfare – An introduction2016/09/01English9
Social work transnationally revisited2017/05/04English9
Transnational elements of newcomer women’s housing insecurity: remittances and social networks2014/09/02English9
“The screen has such sharp edges to hug”: The relational consequences of emigration in transnational South African emigrant families2017/01/02English8
Dutch retirement migration to Spain and Turkey: Seeking access to healthcare across borders2016/06/07English8
‘Doing Biographical Reflexivity’ as a Methodological Tool in Transnational Research Settings2013/01/01English8
Transnational return? On the interrelation of family, remigration, and transnationality – An introduction2016/05/03English8
“Internet is the same like food” – An empirical study on the use of digital media by unaccompanied minor refugees in Germany2016/05/03English8
Child abuse linked to beliefs in witchcraft2015/04/02English7
Child mobility and transnational responses2015/09/02English7
Transcending borders: Social support and resilience, the case of separated children2015/09/02English7
Transnational Aging, Care and the Welfare State2013/01/01English7
From Germany with Love: Transnational Family Networks and Daughterhood Constructions of Russian Au Pair Migrants2012/01/01English7
How Social Support Works Among the Best and the Brightest: Evidence from International PhD Students in Germany2012/01/01English7
Transnational Religious Networks in Central Asia: Structure, Travel, and Culture of Kyrgyz Tablighi Jama'at2012/01/01English6