Political Communication

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Two Faces of Media Attention: Media Storm Versus Non-Storm Coverage2014/10/02English61
The Burglar Alarm That Just Keeps Ringing: A Response to Zaller2003/04/01English61
The Nature of News Rules2006/07/01English60
Partisan News and Political Participation: Exploring Mediated Relationships2015/08/11English59
Hostile Media Perceptions: Partisan Assessments of Press and Public during the 1997 United Parcel Service Strike2002/10/01English58
Coordinating a Multi-Platform Disinformation Campaign: Internet Research Agency Activity on Three U.S. Social Media Platforms, 2015 to 20172019/10/14English58
Timeless Strategy Meets New Medium: Going Negative on Congressional Campaign Web Sites, 2002–20062010/01/29English58
Whose Views Made the News? Media Coverage and the March to War in Iraq2010/01/29English58
Communication, Persuasion, and the Conditioning Value of Selective Exposure: Like Minds May Unite and Divide but They Mostly Tune Out2013/04/01English58
Relative Political and Value Proximity in Mediated Public Diplomacy: The Effect of State-Level Homophily on International Frame Building2014/01/02English58
Humanitarian crises and U.S. foreign policy: Somalia and the CNN effect reconsidered1995/10/01English57
Political Communication on Arab World Television: Evolving Patterns2002/04/01English57
Media Supply, Audience Demand, and the Geography of News Consumption in the United States2009/07/31English57
The Challenge of Measuring Media Exposure: Reply to Dilliplane, Goldman, and Mutz2013/10/01English57
Balanced or Biased? Interest Groups and Legislative Lobbying in the European News Media2015/04/02English56
Social Mobilization and the Networked Public Sphere: Mapping the SOPA-PIPA Debate2015/05/07English56
A Research Agenda for an Institutional Media2006/07/01English56
Following the News? Reception of Uncivil Partisan Media and the Use of Incivility in Political Expression2014/10/02English56
Interactions of News Frames and Incivility in the Political Blogosphere: Examining Perceptual Outcomes2013/07/01English56
A Test of Media-Centered Agenda Setting: Newspaper Content and Public Interests in a Presidential Election1998/09/01English55
Media Disruption and Revolutionary Unrest: Evidence From Mubarak's Quasi-Experiment2014/01/02English54
Interest Groups, the Media, and Policy Debate Formation: An Analysis of Message Structure, Rhetoric, and Source Cues1998/01/01English54
Investigating Journalist Influences on Political Issue Agendas at Westminster2007/05/21English53
All the News That’s Fit to Click: The Economics of Clickbait Media2019/12/03English53
Disinformation by Design: The Use of Evidence Collages and Platform Filtering in a Media Manipulation Campaign2020/03/03English53
How Accurate Are Survey Responses on Social Media and Politics?2018/11/05English52
Election Campaigns as Information Campaigns: Who Learns What and Does it Matter?2008/07/30English52
Message or Medium? Campaign Learning During the 2001 British General Election2003/07/01English52
The Infotainment of Politics1998/04/01English51
Presidential Campaigns and the Knowledge Gap2002/10/01English51