Research in Developmental Disabilities

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Prevalence of intellectual disability: A meta-analysis of population-based studies2011/03/01English954
Quality of life: Its definition and measurement1995/01/01English797
Intellectual disability and its relationship to autism spectrum disorders2009/11/01English463
The ESSENCE in child psychiatry: Early Symptomatic Syndromes Eliciting Neurodevelopmental Clinical Examinations2010/11/01English436
Internet survey of treatments used by parents of children with autism2006/01/01English362
Comorbid psychopathology with autism spectrum disorder in children: An overview2007/07/01English330
Using iPods® and iPads® in teaching programs for individuals with developmental disabilities: A systematic review2013/01/01English314
A Kinect-based system for physical rehabilitation: A pilot study for young adults with motor disabilities2011/11/01English308
Psychiatric comorbidity in young adults with a clinical diagnosis of Asperger syndrome2011/09/01English306
A comparison of intensive behavior analytic and eclectic treatments for young children with autism2005/07/01English300
Atypical behaviors in children with autism and children with a history of language impairment2007/03/01English281
Sleep problems as possible predictors of intensified symptoms of autism*12004/02/01English257
Defining social inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: An ecological model of social networks and community participation2015/03/01English254
Public awareness, attitudes and beliefs regarding intellectual disability: A systematic review2011/11/01English251
Social attention in ASD: A review and meta-analysis of eye-tracking studies2016/01/01English235
Physical activity and fitness in children with developmental coordination disorder: A systematic review2011/05/01English220
A total population study of challenging behaviour in the county of Hedmark, Norway: Prevalence, and risk markers2006/07/01English215
The Nisonger CBRF: A child behavior rating form for children with developmental disabilities1996/02/01English210
Repetitive behaviors in autism: relationships with associated clinical features2005/03/01English206
Food preferences and factors influencing food selectivity for children with autism spectrum disorders2006/07/01English195
Assessing challenging behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders: A review2007/11/01English193
What is the evidence of impaired motor skills and motor control among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Systematic review of the literature2015/01/01English193
Self stigma in people with intellectual disabilities and courtesy stigma in family carers: A systematic review2012/11/01English188
Concurrent medical conditions and health care use and needs among children with learning and behavioral developmental disabilities, National Health Interview Survey, 2006–20102012/03/01English188
Neurochemical correlates of autistic disorder: A review of the literature2006/05/01English180
Stereotypy I: A review of behavioral assessment and treatment2005/11/01English180
Autism spectrum disorders in the DSM-V: Better or worse than the DSM-IV?2011/03/01English176
Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents with Down syndrome—prevalence, determinants, consequences, and interventions: A literature review2016/10/01English175
The effects of intellectual functioning and autism severity on outcome of early behavioral intervention for children with autism2007/05/01English163
Autism, ADHD, mental retardation and behavior problems in 100 individuals with 22q11 deletion syndrome2009/07/01English160