Applied Measurement in Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Response Time Effort: A New Measure of Examinee Motivation in Computer-Based Tests2005/04/01English307
Quality Control in the Development and Use of Performance Assessments1991/10/01English160
A Taxonomy of Multiple-Choice Item-Writing Rules1989/01/01English143
Measuring the Impact of Judge Severity on Examination Scores1990/10/01English132
The Consequence of Consequence: Motivation, Anxiety, and Test Performance1995/07/01English129
High-Stakes Testing Accommodations: Validity Versus Disabled Rights1994/04/01English126
An Investigation of the Differential Effort Received by Items on a Low-Stakes Computer-Based Test2006/04/01English120
Combining Multiple-Choice and Constructed-Response Test Scores: Toward a Marxist Theory of Test Construction1993/04/01English120
Procedures for Selecting Items for Computerized Adaptive Tests1989/10/01English112
Validity of a Taxonomy of Multiple-Choice Item-Writing Rules1989/01/01English110
21st Century Skills: What Are They and How Do We Assess Them?2016/07/06English103
Measurement Invariance in International Surveys: Categorical Indicators and Fit Measure Performance2016/10/05English102
On the Impact of Curriculum-Embedded Formative Assessment on Learning: A Collaboration between Curriculum and Assessment Developers2008/09/30English99
Generalizability Theory and Classical Test Theory2010/12/30English99
Assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving in Education Environments2016/07/06English95
Teachers' Grading: Practice and Theory1994/10/01English94
Linking Results of Distinct Assessments1993/01/01English93
A General Form of Rasch's Extended Logistic Model for Partial Credit Scoring1988/10/01English93
Correlates of Rapid-Guessing Behavior in Low-Stakes Testing: Implications for Test Development and Measurement Practice2009/04/06English87
A Theoretical Framework for the Role of Classroom Assessment in Motivating Student Effort and Achievement1997/04/01English87
Performance Assessment in Science1991/10/01English85
Using Multidimensional Item Response Theory to Understand What Items and Tests Are Measuring1994/10/01English82
Issues Related to Judging the Alignment of Curriculum Standards and Assessments2007/01/01English79
Test Stakes and Item Format Interactions2000/01/01English78
Consequence of Performance, Test, Motivation, and Mentally Taxing Items1995/10/01English78
Validating Measurement of Knowledge Integration in Science Using Multiple-Choice and Explanation Items2011/03/30English75
The Effects of Purification of Matching Criterion on the Identification of DIF Using the Mantel-Haenszel Procedure1993/10/01English73
Effort Analysis: Individual Score Validation of Achievement Test Data2015/06/05English70
The Measurement of Writing Ability With a Many-Faceted Rasch Model1992/07/01English69
The Credibility and Comparability of Standards1997/01/01English68