Scientific Studies of Reading

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Text (Oral) Reading Fluency as a Construct in Reading Development: An Investigation of Its Mediating Role for Children From Grades 1 to 42015/02/24English92
Neural Systems for Rapid Automatized Naming in Skilled Readers: Unraveling the RAN-Reading Relationship2004/07/01English90
Phonological Skills Are (Probably) One Cause of Success in Learning to Read: A Comment on Castles and Coltheart2005/10/01English90
A Cross-Linguistic Investigation of English Language Learners' Reading Comprehension in English and Spanish2008/10/22English89
Reading Comprehension Is Not Always the Product of Nonsense Word Decoding and Linguistic Comprehension: Evidence From Teenagers Who Are Extremely Poor Readers2006/04/01English88
The Random Forests statistical technique: An examination of its value for the study of reading2016/01/02English88
Does Set for Variability Mediate the Influence of Vocabulary Knowledge on the Development of Word Recognition Skills?2012/03/01English87
Development of Reading and Spelling Finnish From Preschool to Grade 1 and Grade 22006/01/01English86
How Well Do Phonological Awareness and Rapid Automatized Naming Correlate With Chinese Reading Accuracy and Fluency? A Meta-Analysis2015/11/25English85
Have We Forsaken Reading Theory in the Name of “Quick Fix” Interventions for Children With Reading Disability?2013/11/12English84
The Route Between Rapid Naming and Reading Progress1999/01/01English84
Development of Lexical Mediation in the Relation Between Reading Comprehension and Word Reading Skills in Greek2007/06/13English84
Writing System Variation and Its Consequences for Reading and Dyslexia2017/11/02English84
Rapid Naming Components and Their Relationship With Phonological Awareness, Orthographic Knowledge, Speed of Processing, and Different Reading Outcomes2008/10/22English83
Reading Efficiency in Native English-Speaking and English-as-a-Second-Language Children: The Role of Oral Proficiency and Underlying Cognitive-Linguistic Processes2006/01/01English83
Comprehending the Gray Oral Reading Test Without Reading It: Why Comprehension Tests Should Not Include Passage-Independent Items2006/10/01English83
Fluency Has a Role in the Simple View of Reading2013/03/01English82
Measures of Reading Comprehension: A Latent Variable Analysis of the Diagnostic Assessment of Reading Comprehension2006/07/01English80
Morphological Awareness and Chinese Children's Literacy Development: An Intervention Study2009/02/12English79
Learning to Spell Words: Findings, Theories, and Issues2017/03/08English79
Early Interventions for Children With Reading Disabilities1997/07/01English77
The Relations Among Oral and Silent Reading Fluency and Comprehension in Middle School: Implications for Identification and Instruction of Students With Reading Difficulties2011/02/25English75
RAN Components and Reading Development From Grade 3 to Grade 5: What Underlies Their Relationship?2009/11/11English75
Longitudinal Twin Study of Early Literacy Development: Preschool and Kindergarten Phases2005/07/01English75
Preschoolers' Attention to Print During Shared Book Reading2008/01/21English74
What Discrete and Serial Rapid Automatized Naming Can Reveal About Reading2011/07/01English73
Is Word-Problem Solving a Form of Text Comprehension?2015/02/18English73
The Impact of Diglossia on Voweled and Unvoweled Word Reading in Arabic: A Developmental Study From Childhood to Adolescence2016/05/13English72
The Multiple Deficit Model: Progress, Problems, and Prospects2019/12/24English71
Beyond Cross-Language Transfer: Reconceptualizing the Impact of Early Bilingualism on Phonological Awareness2010/07/15English70