Journal of Research in Personality

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Narcissism and Reactions to Interpersonal Feedback1994/03/01English162
How stable is happiness? Using the STARTS model to estimate the stability of life satisfaction2007/10/01English161
A genetic and environmental analysis of sensation seeking1980/06/01English158
Aptitude is not enough: How personality and behavior predict academic performance2006/06/01English158
Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Peer Relations in Early Adolescence: Winning Friends and Deflecting Aggression2002/06/01English158
The five-dimensional curiosity scale: Capturing the bandwidth of curiosity and identifying four unique subgroups of curious people2018/04/01English156
In pursuit of power: The role of authoritarian leadership in the relationship between supervisors’ Machiavellianism and subordinates’ perceptions of abusive supervisory behavior2010/08/01English155
The five-factor model of personality and physical inactivity: A meta-analysis of 16 samples2016/08/01English154
Stories of Life Transition: Subjective Well-Being and Ego Development in Parents of Children with Down Syndrome2000/12/01English154
The Multicultural Personality Questionnaire: Reliability and Validity of Self- and Other Ratings of Multicultural Effectiveness2001/09/01English153
Testing hypotheses regarding rape: Exposure to sexual violence, sex differences, and the “normality” of rapists1980/03/01English152
From madness to genius: The Openness/Intellect trait domain as a paradoxical simplex2012/02/01English149
The Big Five and enduring marriages2004/10/01English149
Self-report measures of individual differences in regulatory focus: A cautionary note2008/02/01English148
Core, animal reminder, and contamination disgust: Three kinds of disgust with distinct personality, behavioral, physiological, and clinical correlates2008/10/01English147
What do conscientious people do? Development and validation of the Behavioral Indicators of Conscientiousness (BIC)2010/08/01English145
A very brief measure of the Big-Five personality domains2003/12/01English145
Big Five Predictors of Academic Achievement2001/03/01English143
The multi-factor structure of the Brief Self-Control Scale: Discriminant validity of restraint and impulsivity2012/02/01English142
Psychometric Properties of the Hope Scale: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis1993/06/01English142
You are what you tweet: Personality expression and perception on Twitter2012/12/01English141
Shaming, blaming, and maiming: Functional links among the moral emotions, externalization of blame, and aggression2010/02/01English141
Overconfidence and the Big Five2004/10/01English139
Language Use and Personality during Crises: Analyses of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's Press Conferences2002/06/01English138
Optimism and resources: Effects on each other and on health over 10 years2007/08/01English138
Stability versus change, dependability versus error: Issues in the assessment of personality over time2004/08/01English136
Sense of humor, emotional intelligence, and social competence2006/12/01English136
Personality predicts migration within and between U.S. states2009/02/01English136
The Distribution of Basic Emotions in Everyday Life: A State and Trait Perspective from Experience Sampling Data2000/06/01English135
Character strengths and well-being in Croatia: An empirical investigation of structure and correlates2010/02/01English134