Journal of Research in Personality

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The General Factor of Personality: A meta-analysis of Big Five intercorrelations and a criterion-related validity study2010/06/01English329
The curiosity and exploration inventory-II: Development, factor structure, and psychometrics2009/12/01English308
Being good by doing good: Daily eudaimonic activity and well-being2008/02/01English304
Ascertaining the validity of individual protocols from Web-based personality inventories2005/02/01English302
Evaluating Five Factor Theory and social investment perspectives on personality trait development2005/02/01English295
Attachment dimensions and the big five personality traits: Associations and comparative ability to predict relationship quality2006/04/01English281
Back to the future: Personality and Assessment and personality development2009/04/01English279
Bookworms versus nerds: Exposure to fiction versus non-fiction, divergent associations with social ability, and the simulation of fictional social worlds2006/10/01English276
Individual differences in reappraisal ability: Links to reappraisal frequency, well-being, and cognitive control2012/02/01English266
Personality in 100,000 Words: A large-scale analysis of personality and word use among bloggers2010/06/01English259
The prediction of Honesty–Humility-related criteria by the HEXACO and Five-Factor Models of personality2008/10/01English258
Creativity and the Five-Factor Model1996/06/01English253
Remembering information related to one's self1979/12/01English246
The Five-Factor Model of personality and relationship satisfaction of intimate partners: A meta-analysis2010/02/01English243
Personality Correlates of Self-Esteem2001/12/01English243
Self and Interpersonal Correlates of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory: A Review and New Findings1995/03/01English241
The path taken: Consequences of attaining intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations in post-college life2009/06/01English240
Measuring a macho personality constellation1984/06/01English235
The Big Five Personality Traits and the Life Course: A 45-Year Longitudinal Study1999/06/01English234
Anxiety, learning, and memory: A reconceptualization1979/12/01English228
Gratitude and grit indirectly reduce risk of suicidal ideations by enhancing meaning in life: Evidence for a mediated moderation model2013/10/01English228
Measuring thirty facets of the Five Factor Model with a 120-item public domain inventory: Development of the IPIP-NEO-1202014/08/01English228
Narcissism and Comparative Self-Enhancement Strategies2000/09/01English226
Subjective well-being and academic achievement: A meta-analysis2018/06/01English225
The Investigation of Personality Structure: Statistical Models1997/12/01English223
Explaining the protective effect of trait emotional intelligence regarding occupational stress: Exploration of emotional labour processes2007/10/01English221
The meaningful life in Japan and the United States: Levels and correlates of meaning in life2008/06/01English221
Basic dimensions of temperament and their relation to anxiety and depression: A symptom-based perspective2005/02/01English220
Susceptibility to Infidelity in the First Year of Marriage1997/06/01English219
Short measurements of personality – Validity and reliability of the GSOEP Big Five Inventory (BFI-S)2012/06/01English217