Psychological Bulletin

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Field studies of French and Raven's bases of power: Critique, reanalysis, and suggestions for future research.1985/01/01English
Complaints and complaining: Functions, antecedents, and consequences.1996/01/01English
The use and misuse of chi-square: Lewis and Burke revisited.1983/01/01English
Recovered memories in context: Thoughts and elaborations on Bowers and Farvolden (1996).1996/01/01English
Curvilinear transformations of the dependent variable.1983/01/01English
A random effects model for effect sizes.1983/01/01English
Parameter estimation in simple psychophysical models.1983/01/01English
Role of the input in visual hemispheric asymmetries.1983/01/01English
Power and satisfaction in marriage: A review and critique.1983/01/01English
An integrative framework for explaining reactions to decisions: Interactive effects of outcomes and procedures.1996/01/01English
Analysis of multiplicative combination rules when the causal variables are measured with error.1983/01/01English
Intraclass correlations: There's more there than meets the eye.1983/01/01English
Data transformation, power, and skew: A rejoinder to Games.1983/01/01English
Visual-spatial-frequency model of cerebral asymmetry: A critical survey of behavioral and electrophysiological studies.1996/01/01English
Ethnicity and cancer outcomes: Behavioral and psychosocial considerations.1998/01/01English
Culture, development, and theory of mind: Comment on Lillard (1998).1998/01/01English
Bulimia: A review of the literature.1984/01/01English
The frontal eye field in mammals: A comment on Crowne.1984/01/01English
Dissociations and dissociation theory in hypnosis: Comment on Kirsch and Lynn (1998).1998/01/01English
Data transformations, power, and skew: A rebuttal to Levine and Dunlap.1984/01/01English
Child abuse and neglect--usefulness of the animal data: Comment on Maestripieri and Carroll (1998).1998/01/01English
Hidden impact of minorities: Fifteen years of minority influence research.1984/01/01English
Evaluating societal change in attitude.1984/01/01English
Reviewing theories of adolescent substance use: Organizing pieces in the puzzle.1995/01/01English
Latent inhibition in humans: Data, theory, and implications for schizophrenia.1995/01/01English
Adult attachment representations, parental responsiveness, and infant attachment: A meta-analysis on the predictive validity of the Adult Attachment Interview.1995/01/01English
Determinacy of common factors: A nontechnical review.1979/01/01English
Empathy, sympathy, and emotion regulation: A meta-analytic review.2024/01/01English
Unpacking the effects of socialization programs on newcomer retention: A meta-analytic review of field experiments.2024/01/01English
Supplemental Material for Comparing Gesture Frequency Between Autistic and Neurotypical Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2023/01/01English